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Finally, I've seen out "Friends" now, it's a long TV play, but if you want to improve your English, see it, it's worth you to see, also, I must agree it's the best resource to practise English I've seen, ever!
IMO, that's the only article which explain tModel in a simple but clear way. All of UDDI spces are bag of bull S.H.I.T. http://www.codeproject.com/soap/understandingTModels.asp
Eclipse allow you to extend its functionalities by implementing its extension-point. We often write a Eclipse plugin which implement some of Eclipse's existing extension-points, e.g. if we want to contribute a popup menu for Eclipse, we need implement org.eclipse.ui.popupMenus extension-point, and fo ...
I have a generic interface like: public interface Ia<E> { public void add(E element); public E get(); } I can implement it like: 1. public class A implements Ia { public void add(Object element) { } public Object get() { return null; } } ...
generic class is common so far, but generic interface is a little bit confused, the program below make concept clearly: public interface Ia<E> { public void add(E element); public E get(); } public interface Ib<T> extends Ia<T> { public void myString(); } p ...
I saw Refactoring to Patterns in Haidian book store last Sunday, it's awful that its name has been translated as "重构与模式", 
As always, GUI has few unit tests because limited time frame, but unit test give me a good lesson today: - I define a new extension point in Eclipse, write a couple of classes which allow me to process those extensions easily, then I write a very very simple unit test class in case somebody will sho ...

Slap the block

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[url]http://www.pkblogs.com [/url]
Any insight?
Due to embrace OSGi and make it meaningful. In MANIFEST.MF: Eclipse-AutoStart: true (3.1+) Eclipse-LazyStart: true (3.2+) Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy (3.3+)

Gang of Four

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Have a meaningful life

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